One of the most striking observations that can be made is that of the great profusion of things to be observed. There is considerable variety both of living and none living things. It seems that if a thing exists it does so in variety.
Mankind is but one variety of creature but he exists in variety from Eskimo to pygmy. The ant occurs not only as one species but also in a variety of ant species. A conifer is but one variety of tree but there are many varieties of conifer. Celestial bodies exist in great variety, as do atoms. There is not only a covalent bond there is also an electrovalent bond and of-course a combination of the two. There is not only one combination of atoms there are a limitless variety of them to give all the molecules we know of and many more besides.
The mechanics of variation are well understood. With just ten features it is possible to have a total of, 10,000,000,000 combinations of those features. For example, all life forms are made from a limitless number of combinations of only twenty amino acids. If we consider a single celestial body such as the earth and list each separate feature we could fill the universe with an unlimited number of bodies, each of which would be a different combination of those features. This is exactly how it is, no two celestial bodies are identical nor can they be and this is why there is a universe, so that every variation can exist. It is also why there cannot be another Earth like planet anywhere in the Universe and why the search for one is in vain. Earth is unique.
Axial rotation can vary infinitely. Equatorial orbial rotation can vary infinitely. Polar orbital rotation can vary infinitely. With these three infinities an infinite universe can be created. The earth describes all three rotations in a twenty two year cycle although as yet astronomers have not noticed it. Objections are overcome by assuming all celestial bodies describe the same twenty two year cycle of the third rotation.
Polar orbital rotation explains why the earth is slightly pear shaped, where the southern hemisphere is slightly larger than the northern hemisphere.
A relatively small number of features can result in a limitless number of different combinations. Snowflakes are a prime example for we know that no two are identical no matter how many may fall.
Atomic particles exist in great variety. Electrons are negatively charged while protons are positively charged. A neutron can only be neutral if it contains both a negative and positive charge. Atomic particles occur in great variety and interactions between them occur in such profusion that it is difficult to see any order. Variety itself has led to speculation concerning randomness, however, if we accept the theme of variation, what was once called chaos is now seen as order. Every variation exists. Variation is the order.
No two things can be exactly identical. No two things can occupy the same space at the same time. To occupy the same space can only be done at a different time. To occupy the same time can only be done in a different space. The only way there can be more than one of anything is by being different in some way.
If we consider only the living creatures for a moment. The variety of species is immense. Should we then consider a single species we find that again the variety of individuals is immense. If we then consider just one of those individuals we will find that each cell forming the creature is different. The cell from which the creature originated produced every variation of itself to form the creature. The wonder of nature is how much a creature or plant can vary while remaining the same creature or plant. A species is best defined as a creature or plant that in spite of varying infinitely remains the same.
During the lifetime of a man his body produces sperm that are every variation of his own sequence of features. This may seem wasteful as only a comparatively minute number become progeny, but if life and the entire contents of the universe exist solely because of the theme of variation then we should not view this as wasteful. At every level of plant and animal development variation is highly active.
We know that no two individuals are exactly identical. We can safely say that no two individuals can be exactly identical. The only way additions can be made is by being different in some way. Every day is different but it is still a day. Every summer is different but it is still a summer. Every winter is different but it is still a winter. Every year is different but it is still a year. Even when we are convinced that two things are identical we should remember - it is not what a thing is made of that makes it what it is; it is the position it occupies in space.
The only prediction that can be made with certainty is that all things being equal the weather will be different somehow.
Sound is multifaceted giving us music and language in profusion. Light is also multifaceted providing colours without limit. There is neither time nor room to list all examples.
With atoms there are two features - positives and negatives. These two together are Hydrogen. With these two there are four possible variations or combinations. Positive and negative that we start with (Hydrogen), negative and positive, positive and positive and finally negative and negative. These four combinations are the Helium atom. With the Helium atom there is a positive and negative, a negative and positive (two neutrons), a positive and positive (two protons) and a negative and negative (two electrons).
Each numerical addition to the table of elements is a helium unit. One positive and negative becomes a proton and electron while the remaining positives and negatives take the form of three neutrons.
Particle physics is all about identifying features, predicting a combination of those features and using machines to find them. There is a certainty that every predicted combination will be found. What physicists have discovered is variation, matter is variation. Those things that are invariable are the Creator, how they are combined are the created. The reason why equations work is because they are variation in action.
If we consider the subject of religion and look at the religion of Christianity in particular, we can see how it conforms to the theme of variation. Like all religions Christianity is a combination of rules governing human behaviour. We can call these rules, "Features". To begin with Christianity was established and practiced in one form, but it was soon practiced in several forms with the priority of rules altering. It is fair to say that it is no longer practiced as it was originally. There are many sects or denominations with each one clinging to their individual interpretation of the original rules omitting some while exaggerating others, becoming in the end like all things, endless combinations, each asserting their individuality. At the last estimate it was calculated that there are 32,000 sects under the heading of Christianity.
We can say that variety is a theme involving all of nature, better still, that all of nature is the theme of variation. All aspects of nature can be understood in the context of this theme. All things are subject to variation. Time is also subject to variation, a short vacation on Venus would soon confirm it. We no longer need to puzzle as to why or how such a variety exists or why an individual variation exists, we can simply say, nature and life is variation.
Charles Darwin was greatly vexed by variation and claimed it to be the evidence that proved there could be no creator. It never occurred to him that variation is the Creator. What science calls entropy is better thought of as variation.