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Prince of Principles, Secrets of Life »

Since the scientific revolution began over three hundred years ago knowledge of the physical world has grown in leaps and bounds so that today science has come to dominate where religion once ruled. This has lead to an attitude of reproachful scorn and even contempt by the scientific community toward religion and in particular toward Christianity and its written creed the Bible. Every opportunity is seized to ridicule its statements, rubbish its contents and invalidate its principles.
The claim of modern science is that scientific knowledge with its attendant proof invalidates ancient beliefs which required the blind acceptance of faith and lacked attesting evidence. Consequently modern scientists are dominated by Creator denialists while modern science avidly seeks for the secret of life.
In AD 1953 the structure of DNA was worked out and shown to be a double helix. Once the euphoria had settled, and fame and fortunes were made, there was a realisation that DNA is a digital language. Modern science claims exclusive ownership of this knowledge and congratulates itself on the discovery that all plant and animal life owes its existence to a living, digital language.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times when the physical world was believed to have been brought into existence by the living word of a creator, the Word of God, as recorded in the Christian Bible.
In AD 1929 a scientist called Edwin Hubble made the discovery of the expanding universe. Once the euphoria had settled, and fame and fortunes were made, modern science claimed exclusive ownership of this knowledge and congratulates itself on the discovery.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times when the starry heavens were thought of as being stretched outward, as recorded in the Christian Bible.
In the eighteenth century AD Antoine Lavoisier demonstrated that matter can not be destroyed into none existence it can only change form. When something is burned completely, the weight of the gas produced and ash exactly equals the weight of the object before burning. Lavoisier also demonstrated the process in reverse. In the nineteenth century the same law was found to apply to energy. Matter and energy are conserved. If a thing exists it always has done and nothing that exists can cease to exist, it can only change form. Modern science claims exclusive ownership of these ideas and congratulates itself on their discovery - and fame and fortune have been gained through them.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times. The belief that present forms are temporary and can be transformed into new forms for an eternity, that is, old forms can be resurrected or life after death, is well documented in the Christian Bible.
In    the    nineteenth    century    AD    scientists    discovered    the    phenomenon    of parthenogenesis and that it was practiced widely among insects. Further research has revealed that the phenomenon occurs in mammals and fishes too. Modern science claims ownership of this knowledge but for some reason prefers to give it a low profile.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times and was in fact the birth of Christianity.
In the late eighteenth century AD Edward Jenner became famous for the practice of gaining immunity to infection using vaccines. The discovery of the principle of avoiding death from an infectious agent through being infected with that agent is claimed by modern science and fame and fortune are had by it.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times and was demonstrated by the founder of Christianity in a wilderness for forty days and forty nights.
In the late twentieth century AD a new approach to developmental biology was adopted where instead of classifying an organism by its many cell types only two were found to be necessary, namely somatic and germ cells. Somatic cells form the body of an organism whereas germ cells are concerned with inheritance and the survival of species. Without germ cells a species would perish and in the very earliest stages of development one cell is designated to become the germ line. Modern science claims ownership of this knowledge and congratulates itself with the discovery and fame and fortune are obtained by it.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times when the Jewish nation were thought of as the germ line and gentiles were thought of as the main body of nations. The whole of the Christian Bible is a record of the Jewish germ line and somatic gentile nations.
In the late twentieth century AD biologists set out to discover the mechanism of development that transformed one cell into a fully functional multi celled creature. The animal of choice was the nematode worm. For eighteen months the creature’s development was recorded from first to last. Out of this research came the realisation that development rests on the principle that one cell has to die that others might live. Scientists call it PCD or Programmed Cell Death. At a critical time a chosen cell dies and those around it consume its body and bodily fluids. Without this process no creature would develop, leading to the conclusion that without it there could be no new life. Modern science claims ownership of this knowledge, congratulates itself on the discovery and fame and fortune are made from it.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times. These principles are the bedrock of Christianity and are recorded in the Christian Bible.
In the early twenty first century AD a key principle in early development was realised. The single conceptual cell resulting from egg and sperm fusing buds a new second cell. The first cell continues to multiply and becomes the placenta whereas the second cell multiplies and becomes the creature. In other words, the first cell lays down its life so that the second cell might live and draw sustenance from it. When once the creature is fully developed the placenta is discarded. Modern science claims exclusive ownership of this knowledge but for some reason prefers to keep it out of public view.
But this knowledge has been around for millennia and was recorded in written form in ancient times in the Christian Bible where it is upheld as the founding principle for the development of the body of Jesus Christ. It is also revealed throughout biblical history where the elder must serve the younger.
Where any designated first cell refuses to die or serve, the resulting growth is a cancer, thus selfishness causes cancer, altruism or love results in life.
In the late 20th century biologists discovered that flowering plants are derived from two eggs and two sperm where both sets become embryos. One embryo becomes the plant whereas the other becomes the albumen, endosperm or placenta. Therefore one embryo is sacrificed for the benefit of the other, one has to die that the other might live. This is an example of one being existing solely for the benefit of another. Biologists claim ownership of this knowledge and predictably it is used to gain fame and fortune.
But this knowledge was known in ancient times and was recorded in written form in the Christian Bible.
In the 20th century it was discovered that the universe is expanding. The speed of expansion was subsequently calculated and by extrapolation an age for the universe was arrived at and led to the Big Bang hypothesis. In more recent times it has been discovered that the rate of expansion is increasing and has led to the dark matter and energy hypothesis. If this rate of expansion were to be likewise extrapolated back then the age of the universe should be amended accordingly, but it has not, why?
There is something fundamentally flawed with the modern concepts of time, rock and gravity.
Time: The units, hour, minute and second are but fractions of the earth’s axial rotation or day. The earth rotating on its axis once does not take a day, it is a day. The earth orbiting the sun does not take a year, it is a year. If there is no earth there is no year or day, or time as we have come to accept it. To say that the universe is 13.7 billion years old while also saying that the earth is 4.5 billion years old does not make sense. Before the earth was formed there was no year. How can it be said that before the earth was formed it rotated about the sun 9.2 billion times? The hour, minute and second on Venus are different to that of Mars and both are different to Earth, time or rotations are therefore relative and subject to variation.
The age of the universe has been extrapolated from the present rate of expansion or growth. Geological time and biological development are calculated in billions of years to coincide with the said age of the universe.
It has been calculated by biologists that given sufficient resources, starting with a single bacterium which reproduces once every twenty minutes, after 36 hours its offspring would cover the entire earths surface to a depth of about a foot. After a month they would weigh more than the visible universe and be expanding at the speed of light.
A new born infant contains billions of cells all descended from a single fertilised egg. If these numbers were achieved through the same process ascribed to geological and biological growth then indeed it would take millions of years for an embryo to reach birth weight. As it is only 40 weeks are needed because growth is exponential.
If the immune system worked according to the same theories that govern modern geology, astronomy and biology then no creature would survive infection. Numbers necessary to defeat infection would take millions of years. A creatures body depends on exponential growth for both development and survival. When once an infection is defeated the rate of reproduction returns to what we call normal.
But for exponential growth an atomic bomb, or any explosive device, would take so long to release its energy there would be no explosion and any war it might be used in would have become a far distant legend.
The universe has expanded exponentially and if this growth were extrapolated back its age would be reduced to a tiny fraction of modern estimates.
Rock: Rock is not a substance rather it is the state of a substance. Rock was always something else before it became rock; sand, magma, gravel, mud, ash, calcium carbonate etc. To age a rock at so many million years gives the impression that before then it did not exist, but rocks are always made of something that existed before. Magma solidifies and becomes basalt; basalt can be melted and returned to magma and back again. How old is the magma before it solidifies into basalt and how old is the basalt before it melts into magma? The earth is said to have been formed from accreted rocks which melted under gravity before forming a rocky crust. Is the crust younger than the mantle or the mantle older than the crust?
Gravity: An inch cube of cork will float on water because it is lighter than an inch cube of water. An inch cube of lead will sink in water because it is heavier than an equivalent volume of water. The important thing here is the inch cube. An inch cube of helium will rise in air or water because it is lighter than an equivalent volume of either medium. An inch cube of apple will sink in air because it is heavier than an inch cube of air. This is the law of buoyancy as explained by Archimedes; it explains why an apple falls from a tree without the concept of gravity. What is thought of as gravity is in fact evidence that the bodies in question have rotation. The influence one body exerts on another would have it adopt the same rotation. The atmosphere of a celestial body has rotation. Galileo identified the two components of horizontal and vertical motion. Vertical motion is explained by the law of buoyancy and horizontal motion is explained by rotation.

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